Help us Improve the System For Our Patients

  • The vast majority of common illnesses get better by themselves and/or can be treated with over-the-counter medication. Most pharmacies offer a ‘minor ailments’ service which allows access to treatments that previously were only available on prescription. In the same way most opticians can nowadays deal with urgent eye problems via the NIPEARS service which is free
  • Please register via reception for on-line booking of appointments and ordering of prescriptions – this frees up phone lines so you don’t have to wait so long in the queue.
  • Please be like the majority of our patients in respecting our staff. We are doing our best to accommodate our patients’ needs but when staff are on the receiving end of rude or abusive behaviour this creates extra stress. We have zero tolerance for this type of behaviour and patients who repeatedly offend in this way will be removed from our practice register.
  • Please contact your MLA and ask them to demand that the Dept of Health provide the necessary resources to allow your GP surgery to offer the level of service that we would like to offer and that you need. Specifically you can mention restarting the roll-out of multidisciplinary teams and an increase in practice funding.