Self Referrals

Moira Surgery is located between the South Eastern Trust and the Southern Trust. Broadly speaking if Lisburn & Castlereagh are where you pay your rates to then you use the South Eastern Trust, If you pay rates to ABC Council (Armagh, Banbridge, Craigavon) you will fall under the care of the Southern Area Trust. Please bear this in mind if you choose to self-refer to ensure that you get the correct Trust service. 

Pregnancy Services

If you are pregnant you can self-refer for ante-natal clinics as follows :-

Southern Trust @ Craigavon Area Hospital

South Eastern Trust @ Lagan Valley Hospital

Physiotherapy Self Referral 

Southern Trust Area =

South Eastern Area = or by telephone to Lisburn Team 02892 633183

Community Occupational Therapy

This service can be accessed if you are 18+ and with a registered disability. The OT service assists and supports individuals to live independently and safely within their own home environment. Following assessment the OT service can offer advice on home adaptations, equipment and other advice. 

Southern Area by contacting the GP or your District Nurse 02837 564300

South Eastern Area by telephone to 02892 501320 or

Minor Injuries Services

Minor injuries are typically broken bones, sprains, wounds/wound infections, burns/scalds, minor head injuries, broken noses or nosebleeds, foreign bodies in eyes/ears/nose. 

Downe Hospital tel 02844 838091

Ulster Hospital tel 02891510110 or walk ins

Lagan Valley tel 02892 604643

Craigavon Area, Daisy Hill and South Tyrone (Dungannon) Hospitals are covered by tel 0300 1233111

Community Falls Service

This service is for patients aged 65 or more with a fear of falling or who have had a recent fall or are suffering from reduced balance or mobility. 

South Eastern Trust by Telephone 02892 633705 or 

Southern Trust by

Pre Conception Advice for Diabetics

Southern Trust by sending an email to:-

Diabetic Podiatry Services 

South Eastern Trust by telephone 02892 501214 or by

sending an email to or

by completing a self referral form at :-

Southern Trust Area by telephoning 02837 563444 (option 2) or by sending an email to:-

Sudden Eye Problems

If you are concerned about sudden eye pain, loss of vision, red eye, floaters/flashes you must contact an optometrist. Most opticians offer the NIPAERS Service where you can be seen/assessed/treated and if needs be an onward referral can be made. Full details of this service can be found at:-